The Piedmont Hockey Club is pleased to once again offer the most comprehensive and complete 6U/8U Coed Youth House ice hockey program in the northern Virginia area. Our 6U group is the only program dedicated to the 6U age category and our 8U program is unequalled in allocated ice time and skills training.
For the 2024-2025 season our 6U/8U House program will run from September 3, 2024 through February 17, 2025. It is for players in Birth Years 2018-2019 (6U) and 2016-2017 (8U) who meet or exceed the prerequisite experience requirements for their age group. All participants MUST be registered with USA Hockey for the 2024-2025 season prior to registration. Full hockey gear is a requirement at both age levels and the wearing of protective mouthguards is mandatory at all times while on the ice. It is important to note that, effective August 1, 2024 the wearing of protective equipment around the neck is mandatory.
Holiday No-skate dates:
November 28-Dec 1, 2024
December 23, 2024 – January 5, 2025
The planned Days/Times listed below for the age categories are subject to modifications as warranted by playing conditions or/and by player age and skill levels at the discretion of the Executive Director.
6U House (Birth Years 2018-2019) Fee - $895
A two-payment plan is available with registration
A $50 early registration discount per player is available through July 1, 2024.
MULTIPLE PLAYER discounts: Second and subsequent FULL-SEASON registrations within the same family will receive each a $100. discount from the full-season fees.
Piedmont Hockey Club’s successful 6U house/rec program continues apace for the 2024-2025 season. Focused on the USA Hockey American Development Model (ADM), our program concentrates on the ABC’s of hockey: Agility, Balance Coordination (and speed) in a positively-reinforced fun environment. Players will be divided into skill-based practice groups (will not more than 10 players per group) and conduct station-based practices and small area games. Periodic scrimmage games will also be conducted. Opportunities for local-area ice “jamborees” with other hockey clubs will be sought as the season progresses and an end of the season tournament is in the works. Our 6U program is the NoVa area’s only dedicated effort directed solely at the 6U age group.
Experience Prerequisite: Preferred: LTPH 1 or Future Caps LTP program or equivalent; Acceptable: One previous season of experience at the house/rec level.
Two ice times per week. First ice date: Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Last ice date: Thursday, February 13, 2025
Tuesday 5:00 – 6:00pm
Thursday 5:00 – 6:00pm
Each player will receive a jersey in the color of his /her team.
NOTE: Experienced BY 2018 players may request to “play-up” at the 8U level. Individual requests will be considered by the House Director; if space is available at the 8U level and the player is believed able to succeed, approval may be granted.
8U House (Birth Years 2016-2017) Fee – $1,395
A three-payment plan is available with registration.
A $50 early registration discount per player is available through July 1, 2024.
MULTIPLE PLAYER discounts: Second and subsequent FULL-SEASON registrations within the same family will receive each a $100. discount from the full-season fees.
Unlike many other clubs in the Northern Virginia area, who offer only two practice sessions per week, the Piedmont Hockey Club provides three on ice sessions plus power skating per 8U player per week.
Experience Prerequisite: Preferred: LTPH 1 from the Haymarket Iceplex LTPH program or Future Caps learn to Play or an equivalent; Acceptable: At least one previous season of experience at the house/rec or travel level.
In addition to offering three ice times per week, the PHC includes also a weekly training session in power skating for all registrants. The weekly Power Skating session is additional to the three ice times per week. Two of three practice ice times are for group small-area skill games and one is for weekly intra-division games. Weekly power skating training for all 8U players will occur immediately prior to the Monday or Wednesday practice times with 50% of the division having instruction on Mondays and the other 50% on Wednesdays. Practices are based upon USA Hockey’s American Development Model (ADM) with weekly practice plans drawn directly from the ADM. Players will be divided up into skill-based groups and conduct station-based practices and small area games.
The weekly team-based games on Saturday morning are played cross-ice, 4 versus 4, two lines and a goalie per team; teams will be constructed as equally skilled as practical. Team sizes will be controlled to not more than 10 players (including a goalie) to maximize player time on the ice and puck touches.
The first two practice weeks will be dedicated to player ability-assessments leading to skill-group and team assignments. At this developmental age, basic skill development and skating prowess are initial imperatives; individual requests for assignment as a permanent goalie are generally premature. However, teams need goalies and team goalie assignments will generally be on a rotating, voluntary basis and player volunteering is highly encouraged. Permanent assignment as a goalie at the 8U level will be coordinated with the House/Rec Director.. The PHC has ample sets of youth goalie equipment; and no investment is required to have your player experience the most important position in hockey.
For practices and games each PHC 8U team will be assigned a locker room for changing into and out of hockey gear; the locker room environment provides an excellent opportunity for team building and interpersonal bonding. Please do not use the front lobby or rink aisles as changing areas. Locker room areas will have continuous coach/manager/volunteer presence to assure that things run smoothly
8U House Ice DaysTimes: First ice date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Last ice date: Saturday, February 15, 2025.
NOTE: PHC 8U Travel players do not participate in the 8U House program
Mondays *Power Skating (50% of players): 5:00 – 5:30pm
*(begins 9/9)
**Practice (all players): 5:30-6:30pm
** (begins 9/9)
Wednesdays: Power Skating ( 50% of players): 5:00- 5:30pm
**(begins 9/11)
Practice (all players): 5:30 – 6:30pm
(begins 9/4)
Saturdays: 8U Game Day (all players): 7:50-8:50am
(begins 9/7 ) (3 cross-ice games simultaneously)
NOTE: Parents: please do not ask if your 8U player can “play up” at 10U. By Potomac Valley Amateur Hockey Association rule, 8U players may not “play up” at the 10U level.
In addition to the 8U house and 8U travel programs, the Piedmont Hockey Club encourages (limited) 8U youthful competition in a controlled environment. 8U coaches, players and parents are encouraged to work together to form teams at various skill levels to participate on an ad-hoc, voluntary basis in various jamboree opportunities that arise during the hockey season. An 8U coach will be assigned to coordinate playing opportunities and locations. Player participation will require the acquisition of a PHC tournament jersey and socks as well as the payment of tournament/jamboree fees as applicable. House/Rec Tournament jerseys are not the same as PHC travel jerseys. The PHC House director will assist in coordination of and approve these endeavors on an individual basis.
*In sanctioned tournaments where Piedmont Hockey Club teams are competing, Piedmont Hockey Club registered players may participate only as members of a Piedmont Hockey Club-sponsored team*
Coaches, Managers and Off-Ice Assistants
The Piedmont Hockey Club is actively seeking on-ice coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, volunteers (timekeepers, scorekeepers, penalty box and locker room monitors) for each age group in our Rec division. Team coaches and assistants must be fully USA Hockey certified prior to being rostered as coaches. Coaches, Team Managers, and Monitors must be USA Hockey members with a background screening every two years and must have completed USA Hockey SAFESPORT training (SAFESPORT refresher training is required every season).
You need not have played Junior AAA-level hockey to be a good hockey coach; experience in and knowledge of the sport, an ability to skate, dedication, perseverance and patience are the foundation to build on. For information about any of the positions please contact Coach Leo Mullin, the PHC House/Rec Division Hockey Director. His email is
Note: Although PHC Rec coaches receive no remuneration for their service they are provided with a set of warm up wear; also, expenses incurred for their coaching certification is reimbursable (receipts required) via credit applied against their player’s registration account.
Commitment to Play.
Every PHC House group is comprised of sets of players, coaches, asst coaches and managers. Coaches have diligently assigned players to groups that provide equal skill levels among players in the same age group. The expectation is that all players are physically, mentally and emotionally “all in” every practice and game….that’s commitment.
The Piedmont Hockey Club believes that maintaining skill balances and playing time equality is best achieved when all players attend all practices and games as involved, positively contributing teammates. The PHC expects that signing up to play includes prioritizing other activities behind hockey so that absences from or late arrivals to practices and games are a rare exception. A series of repeated absences or tardiness may lead to reduced playing time for the player involved.
Every player is a valued individual and teammate who shall be treated equally and positively by all players at all times as a member of their family. There is no room for bullying, fighting, disrespect and/or abusive language. When players enter the rink parking lot for practice or a game their focus changes to hockey. Period. What happened at school stays at school and does not get brought to the rink.
House/Rec/CCHL Director
Manager 8U House
6U Senior Coach
The Piedmont Hockey Club relies on the volunteer efforts of parent coaches. Please submit the coaching application below and be a part of our team.
Applications may be submitted via email attachment to House Director Leo Mullin: email:
Complete instructions for the USA Hockey Coaching Certification process can be found at: